Funding Schemes
Department of Science & Technology
The Department of Science & Technology plays a pivotal role in promotion of Science & Technology in the country. Science & Technology Policy-2003 states that "Special emphasis will be placed on equity in development, so that the benefits of technological growth reach the majority of the population, particularly the disadvantaged sections, leading to an improved quality of life for every citizen of the country."
The Department has wide ranging activities ranging from promoting high end basic research and development of cutting edge technologies on one hand to service the technological requirements of the common man through development of appropriate skills and technologies on the other.
The Department supports research through a wide variety of schemes specifically carved out to meet the requirements of different sections of the scientific and engineering community.
II. Name of scheme(s):

1.Deep Continental Studies (DCS)
2.Himalayan Glaciology (HG)
3.Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP)
4.Instrument Development Programe (IDP)
5.International S&T Cooperation (ISTC)
6.Joint Technology Projects under STAC/IS-STAC
7.Monsoon and Tropical Climate (MONTCLIM) & Agrometeorology
8.Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS)
9.Pharmaceuticals Research & Development Support Fund (PRDSF) Programme
10.Programme Advisory Committee on Earth Sciences (PAC-ES): R&D Projects Scheme
11.Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC)
12.Science & Society Programmes (SSP)
13.Seismology Programme (SP)
14.State Science & Technology Programme (SSTP)
15.Technology Development Programme (Joint Technology -Technology System Programme)
16.Utilisation of Scientific Expertise of Retired Scientists (USERS)
1.Deep Continental Studies (DCS)

Besides promoting basic research in earth sciences, DST launched a major programme focused on Deep Continental Studies in 1984. The principal objective of the programme is to probe deep earth's interior through multidisciplinary geophysical and geological investigations and elucidating the associated geodynamic processes beneath the India subcontinent. These multidisciplinary studies are focused around a selected transect in an integrated approach for generating a model for the region. Several transects such as NW Himalayan, NW Indian, Central Indian, Southern granulite Terrain are being studied. New transects in NE Himalaya, Dharward craton, Barren Island are being initiated. The objectives are:

i) probing the earth's deep interior through multi-disciplinary geological/geophysical investigations.
ii) delineating the deep crustal configuration and elucidating the associated geodynamic and tectonic processes.
iii) developing analytical/numerical schemes for interpretation of Geophysical data for delineating deep structures/mineral exploration etc.
iv) developing conceptual tectonic/geodynamic models based on field observations/ laboratory experiments..

Who can submit a proposal
Universities, R&D laboratories.

When and how to submit a proposal
Any time during the year in the prescribed proforma.

Areas of research support
Geophysical: Gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic, magnetotellurics, Deep electrical resistivity, Deep Seismic Soundings, Broad Band Seismology etc.
Geological: Experimental petrology under high P-T conditions and study of fluid inclusions,
Mineralogy, Study of ore deposits, Geochronological studies of granitic and basic rocks using Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr, U/Pb, K/Ar, Ar/Ar, stable isotopes and fission tracks, Trace elements, REE and isotope geochemistry of rocks, Petrochemical investigations including thermo barometric studies, Heat-flow measurements etc.

Components of grant
Staff salaries, equipment, field/lab expenses, internal travel, supplies & consumables, contingency expenditure and overheads.

Items not allowed out of grant
International travel and infrastructure and building.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The proposal is referred to experts for evaluation. The comments of the experts are placed before the Programme Advisory Monitoring Committee (PAMC-DCS). The PI is also invited to give presentation before PAMC/Experts Group. Based on the recommendations of the PAMC, the proposal is considered for approval by DST. The project is monitored by the Experts/PAMC.

Ten copies of the PCR are required to be submitted. PCR is reviewed by experts and comments communicated to the PI for taking note while publishing data.

Contact Address: The Head,
Earth System Sciences Division Department of Science and Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016
Telefax: (011)26516076
2. Himalayan Glaciology (HG)
R&D Projects Scheme

The Himalayan Glaciology Programme of DST was initiated in 1986. The programme is continuing since then. Time bound R&D projects in Glaciology are supported under this programme. The programme is overseen by a Programme Advisory & Monitoring Committee on Himalayan Glaciology-(PAMC-HG). The objectives are:
to understand the behaviour of glaciers in general and their interaction with climate and hydrological systems in the region as also to train manpower and create Research and Development related facilities.

Who can submit a proposal
Any scientist from any College/University and Research Institution in India

When and how to submit a proposal
Any time during the year in a prescribed format.

Areas of research support
Remote sensing, Isotopic and chemical studies, Paleo-climatology, climate change, microbial biodiversity, snowmelt run-off, Mass Balance, Sediment load estimation, Geomorphology/Geohydrology, snow cover studies.

Components of grant
Salary, Consumables, TA/DA, Contigencies, Equipment, Field expenses, Mountaineering kits and Over Head Expenses.

Items not allowed out of grant
Building/Land etc.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
Evaluation of Research Proposal through peer review system. Final decision by Programme Advisory and Monitoring Committee.

Contact Address: The Head
Earth System Science Division (ESS) Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110016
Tel. No: (011)26590332
Fax No: (011)26516076
E-mai :
3. Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP) Objective(s):
Through this scheme coordinated, multi-disciplinary studies are being undertaken to identify the climate component of agricultural production, meteorological extremes, global warming, climate change, etc. such as development and testing of coupled ocean-atmosphere model for climate and monsoon diagnosis using General Circulation Models (GCM). Analysis of weather and climate data from ground-based, ship-based and satellite based measurements are also done.

The objectives are:
i) analysis of land-based, ocean-based and space-based climate data sets.
ii) development of models to study interannual and intraseasonal variability of Monsoon climate system.
iii) planning and implementation of land-ocean-atmosphere field experiments (BOBMEX, ARMEX,CTCZ, CHATNI, etc.).
iv) development of models towards seasonal mean monsoon prediction and using them to isolate the sensitivity of the monsoon system to different forcing mechanisms.
v) understanding the past climates and climate change.
vi) studies on the influence of meteorological extremes (drought, flood), climate change, climate variability on agriculture production, particularly on sub-seasonal scale.
vii) studies on 'Climate and Society' (viz., climate and health, water scarcity etc.).
viii) development of human resources, computational and communication facilities for climate studies.

Who can submit a proposal
Any researcher working in the Government, Semi-Government, Research and Development Organisations in India.

When and how to submit a proposal
Any time during the year.

Areas of research support
Any area related to the above objectives.

Components of grant
Salaries to project staff, essential permanent equipment, contingencies, overheads and inland travel.

Items not allowed out of grant
Cost of Buildings, foreign travel etc.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The Programme Advisory ansd Monitoring Committee on Weather and Climate Research Programmes (WCRP) is responsible for evaluation of the proposals, appropriate recommendation, monitoring the implementation of the individidual projects in a coordinated way.

Contact Address: The Director
Earth Systems Science Division Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan New Delhi-110016
Tel. No: (Oil) 26512514, 26590469
FaxNo: (011)26516076
4. Instrument Development Programme (IDP)

Department of Science & Technology under its Instrumentation Development Programme (IDP) has been funding projects on design and development of indigenous instruments / technologies for over two decades. As a result, various instruments have been developed such as IR Spectrometer, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Soil Salinity Tester, Ion Selective Electrodes, Digital Tide Gauge etc. at various R&D institutions and know how of 31 such technologies have been transferred for their commercial production to industry.

The objectives of the scheme are:
to formulate, coordinate and implement programmes leading to indigenous development and upgradation of instruments.

Who can submit the proposal
The project proposals could be submitted for financial support by scientists/ engineers/ technologists working in universities and other academic institutions; R&D institutions /laboratories having adequate infrastructure and facilities to carry out R&D work in collaboration with industry in cash or kind is an essential condition.

When and how to submit a proposal
Any time during the year in prescribed format. Twenty (20) copies of the project proposal required to be submitted in format which can be downloaded from the website.

Areas of research support
During the 10th plan , The Department has initiated the Instrument Development programme in mission mode for capacity building & development of instruments in the country. Therefore , National Instrument Development Board has been constituted for the purpose. The following thrust areas have been identified by the Board:
Analytical / Optical Instrumentation ;
Medical Instrumentation;
Industrial Instrumentation;
Imaging Techniques and Instrumentation.

Components of Grant
Financial support is provided for project staff salaries, equipment, consumables, domestic travel and other miscellaneous items .

Items not allowed out of grant
No support is provided towards creating basic infrastructure and building .

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
i) Department constitute the Steering Committee for the particular identified thrust areas for the implementation of the project.
ii) The Steering Committee will be the approving / recommending authority for the proposal received under the programme .
iii) Steering Committee also having the authority to appoint the Monitoring Committee for the project
iv) The functional responsibility of the project lies with Institution carrying out the project right from beginning to commercialisation of the instrument / product developed .
v) During implementation of the project the quarterly progress report will be submitted by the implementing agency to the Instrument Development Programme , Technology Development & Transfer Division , Department of Science & Technology .

Contact Address:
The Adviser & Head (IDP) Instrument Development Programme Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan, New Delhi - 110016
Telefax No: (011)26963695
E-mail: laxman@nic.jn
5. International S&T Cooperation( ISTC)

The activities under International S&T Cooperation Programme of the 'Department include the negotiations and implementation of Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreements and responsibility for scientific and technological aspects of activities of international organizations. The cooperation's are sought under bilateral, multilateral or regional framework modes for facilitating and strengthening interactions among governments, academia, institutions and industries in areas of mutual interest. The Department operates in close cooperation with the Ministry of External Affairs, Indian missions abroad, Foreign missions in India and US bodies. Science Counsellors are also posted in Berlin, Moscow, Tokyo and Washington to facilitate cooperation with respective countries to which they are accredited. India currently has bilateral S&T cooperation agreements with 63 countries.

The main objective of the scheme is to promote science and technology through its following components:
R&D Projects Scheme
joint Workshop/Exhibition/Seminar
exchange visit of scientist
inter Institutional Linkages
organisation of visit of thematic scientific and composite (scientific and industrial) delegations.
transfer of Technology to Indian industry

Who can submit a proposal
Scientists/faculty members working in regular capacity in Universities, national R&D laboratories/institutes, private R&D institutes and industry.

When and how to submit a proposal
Joint research projects may be submitted any time in the year in a specific format which can be downloaded from the website.

Areas of research support
Biotechnology and Immunology; Material Science and Technology; Laser Science and Technology; Catalysis; Space Science and Technology; Accelerators and their Application; Hydrology; Computers & Electronics; Biomedical Science and Technology; Oceanology and Oceanic Resources; Engineering Sciences; Mathematics; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Earth Sciences; Physics & Astrophysics; Ecology and Environment; Chemical Sciences; Life Sciences etc.

Components of grant
Support under this scheme is to provide international exposure to the scientists and is restricted to exchange visits, mostly under some of the project. Support for equipment, consumables and exchange visit is available from DST to the Indian participants belonging to public funded organizations (univ., R&D lab, etc.) For scientists belonging to private sector, support is restricted to local hospitality as a part of exchange visit.

Items not allowed out of grant
No restriction

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
Grants are released in several instalments. On production of statement of expenditure and utilization certificates, further release of grant is done. To monitor the project, officers from DST pay a visit to the institution/field to know the current status/first-hand information about the project and to release further grants.

Contact Address: The Head ,International Division
Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhawan, New Delhi-110016
Tel. No: (011)26590438
Fax; (011)26862418
6. Joint Technology Projects under STAC/IS-STAC

Inter-Sectoral Science & Technology Advisory Committee (IS-STAC) mechanism has been created in the Department of Science and Technology (DST) to guide various socio-economic Ministries in the formulation of long term S&T plans and promotion of Science & Technology programmes relevant to the concerned sectors. A mechanism called Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) became operational in a number of socio-economic Departments/Ministries since 1989. The scheme STAC/ IS-STAC has been launched in DST to provide a thrust to promote a few specific multi-partnership projects in the areas concerning the Ministry/Department along with research institutions and industry as Joint Technology Projects.

Under the scheme, specific support is expected to be provided by DST to activities which can be demonstrated on industrial scale through research & development efforts and are conducive for strengthening technological capabilities in the country. The energy & environment concerns have added a new dimension to the development projects in socio-economic sectors. For achieving such linkages with industry, a priority is being given to Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) projects relevant to the concerned sectors in these areas. The objectives of the scheme are:

i) to provide inter-disciplinary inputs in S&T Programmes/Plans of socio-economic
ii) to identify inter-disciplinary R&D programmes of common interest for multi-partnership funding as Joint Technology Projects.
iii) information Exchange on work of STACs in different Ministries through STAC Scan Plus
newsletter and other publications.
iv) to promote Joint Technology Projects by providing part funding to those R&D projects,
considered important by the user Ministry or are in the emerging area.

Who can submit a proposal
An industry, R&D Laboratory and/or academic institutions can express interest in Joint Technology Project (JTP) support to DST and concerned Ministry. The proposals should have orientation towards research in emerging areas, development of new technology demonstration and its demonstration on industrial scale etc. The financial support will be given in the form of part funding for carrying out the research activities provided user ministry/department also comes forward to participate and commit financial support.

When and how to submit a proposal
Any time during the year in the prescribed form. The proposals will have to be submitted to the STAC of the concerned user ministry/department in their own format or DST's format with the expression of interest in JTP support. The proposal will be evaluated inter-alia by both and on the approval of concerned STAC and Chairman IS-STAC the joint technology project will be supported in the following areas.

Areas of research support
Areas of research support can be decided by the concerned user ministry through STAC in that ministry and DST through mutual consultations and discussions. However, some specific areas are mentioned hereunder:

i) R&D Projects in thrust areas identified by nodal ministry DST through participation of user ministry.
II) Research Development & Demonstration (RD&D) Projecgts demonstrated on industrial scale jointly with the concerned ministry and industry.
III) Studies on topics relating to technology assessment and/or development of new technology as desired by STAC/IS-STAC in the concerned ministry.
IV) Organizing Inter-Sectoral Workshops on topics of mutual interest to DST'and user ministry.

Components of grant
Equipment, salaries, consumables, domestic travel, overheads, contingencies etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Buildings, any other major infrastructure.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring

1.In fulfillment of the objectives of Joint Technology Projects, IS-STAC will provide technical inputs in identification/evaluation/review and part funding as a joint project, as and when requested by the concerned STAC.
2.The approving Committee will be the STACs in the Ministries. IS-STAC will also make
recommendations in this regard.
3.The nodal and functional responsibility of the project will be of the concerned users/ beneficiary Ministry/Department.
4. The lead implementing agency, which could either be public or private industry or R&D
laboratory or academic organization, will be identified.
5. The implementing agency will nominate a Project Chief/Project Manager in consultation with the nodal Ministry/Department for project implementation. The Project Chief will coordinate with the participating agencies, who would interact directly with him for ensuring achievement of the project objectives.
6. Chairman, STAC in consultation with Chairman, IS-STAC will appoint a Monitoring Committee to review the progress in the project by meeting once in a year or earlier, if required.
7.During implementation the quarterly/six monthly progress reports will be submitted by the implementing agency to the concerned Ministry and Department of Science & Technology.

Contact Address: Adviser IS-STAC
Ministry of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016.Tel. No: (OI1)26960203 Fax. No: (011)26960203
E-mail: mig@alpha.nic. in
7. Monsoon and Tropical Climate (MONTCLIM) & Agrometeorology

The thrust of the scheme is to understand the atmospheric processes over Indian tropics and to develop appropriate models for studying the Indian weather and climate. This include monitoring of seas around India and determination of physical parameters related to land, ocean and atmosphere and their role in varied socio-economic sectors including agriculture, water resources etc., and new technology development for atmospheric science applications.

The objectives are:

i) analysis of LASPEX, TOGA and MONTBLEX data sets and modeling land-ocean-atmosphere interaction in the tropics.
ii) use of new observing systems/opportunities in monsoon research (ARGOS, Satellites, Buoys,Research Ships, Aircraft, etc.)
iii) biosphere-Atmosphere interactions with emphasis on forest fires and biomass burning.
iv) modelling and testing mesoscale phenomena (ex. Fog, Norwesters, Heavy rainfall, Avalanches, etc.) in different environments.
v) observations and modeling climate-chemistry-Aerosol interactions.
vi) indigenous technology development for atmospheric science applications.
vii) infrastructure and human resource development.
viii) investigation on the microclimate modification towards efficient use of natural resources (water, radiation and nutrients).
ix) development and testing of operational crop-weather models leading to Expert Systems.
x) studies on crop pest/disease/climate dynamics, animal and climate relationships.
xi) development of modern Automatic Weather Station networking for agromet applications and consolidation of agrometeorological data.

Who can submit a proposal
Any researcher working in the Government, Semi-Government, Research and Development Organisations in India.

When and how to submit a proposal
a Any time during the year.

Areas of research support
Any area related to the above objectives.

Components of grant
Salaries to project staff, essential permanent equipment, contingencies, overheads and domestic travel.

Items not allowed out of grant
Cost of Buildings, foreign travel etc.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The Programme Advisory ansd Monitoring Committee on Weather and Climate Research Programmes (WCRP) is responsible for evaluation of the proposal, appropriate recommendation, monitoring the implementation of the individual projects in a coordinated way.

Contact Address: The Head
Earth Systems Service Division Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016
Tel.No:: 011-26590418
Fax. No.: 011-26516076
8. Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS)

Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS) programme is multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional R&D programme with vision to provide appropriate scientific and technological inputs for operationalising the concept of decentralized planning. The goals of the Scheme are to strengthen the S&T inputs for integrated resource management through development of appropriate tools and techniques in data collection, organization and analysis as well as technical capacity building at various levels of administration for enabling the adoption of the technologies developed in integrated development planning. Present focus of the programme is to develop large scale spatial data sets at village level to provide inputs for panchayat level planning. Number of initiatives have been taken up recently to strengthen this component.

The objectives of the scheme are:

i) demonstrate and promote the use of Spatial Data Management Technologies for micro level planning under diverse terrain conditions.
ii)provide software support for data management, modeling and operation research.
iii) promote R&D in spatial data technology.
iv) technology Transfer & Capacity Building of potential users.
v) forge linkages with the users at different levels.
vi) provide S&T inputs for framing Policies related to Spatial Data Technologies.
vii) develop & Demonstrate pilot scale spatial infrastructure and provide research support to National Spatial Data Infrastructure.
viii) applications of spatial data in National Disasters, Mitigation like landslides, cyclones/ tsunamis etc.
ix) documentation and Dissemination.

Who can submit a proposal
The proposals can be submitted in the prescribed proforma by scientists from:
i) Academic and research institutions having relevant infrastructure facilities to carry out the research programme.
ii) Voluntary organizations involved in the area of natural resources management and local area planning.

When and how to submit a proposal
20 (Twenty) copies of the proposal in prescribed format can be submitted at any time during the year. Since, budget is being allocated/monitored at quarterly basis, the research proposals should flow at regular intervals for submission.

Areas of research support
i) Spatial Data Technologies (SDT).
ii) Advanced Technology Application in High Resolution Spatial Data Gathering:

i) Remote Sensing Technologies.
Microwave Remote Sensing including SAR Interferometry
Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping
High Resolution Satellite Images
Use of thermal Remote Sensing

ii) Adoption of new technologies
Application of Global Positioning System
Use of Ground Penetration Radar

iii) Land & Water Management at local level.
Data Infrastructure Development
Technology Development
Technology Transfer

iv) Technology Transfer and Capacity Building.
Technology Transfer Infrastructure
Technology Transfer & Capacity Building

v) Landslide Hazard Mitigation & Management
Micro-zonation of vulnerable areas
Slope stability analysis
Monitoring of high risk zones
Design of suitable preventive measures

Components of grant
Staff salaries, equipments, internal travel, consumables, contingencies and overheads.

Items not allowed out of grant
International travel.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The proposal is referred to experts in the area. Comments of the experts are placed before the Expert Committees constituted by the NRDMS Division, PI is invited to present the proposal before the Expert Committee. Based on the recommendation of the Expert Committee, the proposal is processed for sanction. The project is monitored through half yearly progress report basis and periodic reviews by the Expert Committee. Ten copies of the PCR are required to be submitted. The PCRs are sent to experts for comments.

Contact Address: The Head (NRDMS) Department of Science and Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016
Tel. No: (011)26519530 Fax. No: (011)26519530
E-mail: /
9.1. Pharmaceuticals Research and Development Support Fund ( PRDSF)
2. Soft Loan for Pharma Industrial R&D Projects

1 Pharmaceuticals Research and Development Support Fund (PRDSF) Programme

Recognizing the profound influence of R&D on the prospects and opportunities for the growth of the Indian Drug Industry, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India mounted the programme on drug development during 1994-95 for promoting collaborative R&D in drugs and Pharmaceuticals sector. During January 2004, Government of India established Pharmaceutical Research and Development Support Fund (PRDSF) and Drug Development Promotion Board (DDPB) under the administrative control of DST with an initial corpus of Rs. 150 crores. Interest accrued on corpus will be utilized for supporting R&D projects jointly proposed by industry and academic institutions/laboratories and extend soft loan for R&D;

i) to synergjse the strengths of publicly funded R&D institutions and Indian Pharmaceutical
ii) to create an enabling infrastructure, mechanisms and linkages to facilitate new drug development.
iii) to stimulate skill development of human resources in R&D for drugs and Pharmaceuticals; and
iv) to enhance the nation's self-reliance in drugs and Pharmaceuticals especially in areas critical to national health requirements.

2. Soft Loan for Pharma Industrial R&D Projects

Loan amount up to 70% of the project cost
Loan will be an unsecured one carrying a simple interest of 3% on reducing amount.
Repayment of the loan will be in 10 annual equal instalments after the project period
Interest during the implementation period will be amortized and will be payable in maximum of 5 instalments after the project period along with the instalment of principal amount.
Who can submit a proposal

Any Indian co.mpany/firm engaged in drug development manufacturing jointly with:
National laboratory under CSIR, ICMR, etc.
University department/other academic institution such as IIT/IISc., etc.
Any other publicly funded R&D Institution.

When and how to submit a proposal
Any time during the year in the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the website.

Areas of research support
The programme supports both human and veterinary drug development for all types of medicinal systems, be it traditional Indian medicinal system or the modern one. The programme employs a two pronged approach involving exploratory drug design and drug development on candidate molecules already identified on one hand, and providing a cutting edge to Indian Industry through innovative process for known/generic drugs as well as crucial intermediates on the other. Some of the areas where support could be considered are:

Any component/stage in the innovation chain of new drug development.
Innovative/cleaner process technology for known drugs/key intermediates, where India
has a competitive advantage.
Chiral synthesis of drugs.
Resolution of racemic drugs.
Clinical studies.
Development of new formulations and standardization/testing of traditional formulations.

Components of grant
Salaries and Wages, Consumables and Materials, domestic Travel, Information and Documentation, Patent Filing, Overheads, Equipment, Software etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Vehicles, Building and any other major infrastructure.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
Project proposals are first reviewed, in strict confidence, by an expert in the specific field and then considered by an Expert Committee.An agreement amongst the collaborating parties specifying the rights and obligations and terms and conditions of the DST grant is essential. The terms and conditions inter-alia include:
Ownership of intellectual property generated in the project on agreed terms.
Review of the project by a Monitoring Committee periodically/once a year.
30% of the recurring expenditure (Institutional component) to be met by the collaborating

Contact Address: The Adviser & Head (TDT)
Department of Science and Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016 Telefax: 011-26510686
10 . Programme Advisory Committee on larthScicnccs (PAC-ES): R&D Schemes

The Earth System Science (ESS) covers a wide spectrum of study of the solid earth, its atmosphere, the oceans, their interrelationships and even the relationship the earth bears to the Universe at large. It constitutes a complex multidisciplinary intermesh of branches of knowledge dealing with natural phenomena as well as anthropogenic forces operating in the earth's realm.

The PAC-ES program extends support to carry out research in forefront areas of Earth Sciences. The programme also strives to improve the research climate through manpower training, contact/field workshops, create state of art facilities and identify/nurture new areas of research in earth sciences.

The objectives are:

i) promotion of R&D programmes in newly emerging and challenging areas of Earth System Sciences.
ii) creation scientific infrastructure
iii) manpower Development

Who can submit a proposal
Scientists & Academicians working in Universities, National Labs, recognized R&D institutions and Centres of Excellence are eligible.

When and how to submit a proposal
Project proposals can be submitted any time throughout the year, for consideration under this scheme.20 copies of the proposal printed on A4 size paper, properly stapled with electronic copy on a floppy/CD, in MS Word format. Details of format as specified in the website:

Areas of research support
Himalayan Geology
Sequence Stratigraphy
Mesozoic of Kutchch
Basin Modelling
Paleoclimatic studies
Tectonic Geomorphology
Quantitative Geomorphology

Components of grant
Salaries, Field-work, TA/DA, Consumables, Contingency, Permanent Equipments,Satellite and other data, specific analytical charges & Institutional Overheads.

Items not allowed out of grant
Foreign Travel, Air conditioner & other infrastructure

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
As per guidelines given in the SERC website:

Contact Address: Scientist-F Member-Secretary PAC-ES Earth System Sciences Division Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110016
Tel. No : (011)26590289 Fax: (011)26516076
11. Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC)

One of the most important functions assigned to the Department of Science & Technology (DST), as per Allocation of Business Rules, is to promote research in new and emerging areas of Science & Technology. In pursuance of this and with the approval of Prime Minister, the 'Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC)1 was set up in 1974 to implement a research promotion scheme called 'SERC Scheme'. SERC is steered by eminent scientists, technologists drawn from various universities/national laboratories and industry.

Name of scheme(s)
Research & Development Support (SERC Scheme). The following programmes are operating in SERC:

Division under this scheme:
1. SERC (Basic Sciences)
2. SERC (Engineering)
3. Nano Science & Technology Initiative (NSTI)
4. Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA)
5. Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational
Institutions (FIST)
6. Opportunities for Young Scientists
7. Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities (SAIF)
8. Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
9. Assistance for participation in International Conferences
10. Women Scientists Scheme (WOS)
II.1&2 SERC (Basic Sciences & Engineering)

The objectives of SERC scheme are promotion of frontline research in Science & Engineering specifically to:
i) to promote research in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and engineering
including multidisciplinary fields.
ii) to selectively promote the general research capability in relevant areas of science and engineering taking into account capability of the host institute.
iii) to encourage young scientists to take up challenging R&D activities.
iv) to give special encouragement to projects from less endowed university departments.
v) to encourage patenting facilities to scientists and technologists in the country for Indian and foreign patents on a sustained basis.
vi) to promote basic and applied research in frontline areas of engineering and technology in various academic and research institutions, in collaboration with industry and user agencies (where applicable), and to transfer such technologies for developmental activities.
vii) to create and strengthen S&T infrastructure in Universities and National Institutes
viii) creation of core groups/units around an outstanding scientist

Who can submit a proposal
Entities/Organizations/Institutions eligible for receiving grants are:
Scientists and Technologists who are working in the academic sector, National labs and other recognized R&D institutions Recognized R&D Laboratories, Universities/Colleges and Educational Institutions. Research proposals from scientific institutions/research laboratories under various scientific departments, which are in line with the normal research activities of the institutions, may not be considered for support under SERC. However, major National R&D Programmes, Programmes in newly emerging and front-line areas of research etc. will be considered. Further, proposals involving purely survey-oriented work and routine studies will not be normally considered.
S&T based organizations with legal status as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 or as trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable Religious Act 1920 or the corresponding State Act.

When and how to submit a proposal
The project proposals can be submitted any time right through the year. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website: . Special initiatives with specific cutoff dates under various programmes under the SERC scheme are advertised in journals like Current Science, University News etc.

Areas of research support
SERC support extends to all areas of Science & Engineering such as Chemical Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences and interdisciplinary areas including Nano Science & Technology etc.

Components of grant
Depending on the area of research, competence of the researcher, infrastructural facilities available with the host institute etc. the components of grant varies with the programme. In general SERC projects have components like Manpower, Minor & Major Equipments, Consumables, Travel (Domestic) and Contingency. In addition, the host institute is provided with Overhead Charges which are meant for providing infrastructural facilities and benefits to the staff employed in the project etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Non-sanctioned items

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The mandate of promotion research and development in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and technology is executed through innovative High Level peer review mechanisms like Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC). In order to assist the SERC in evolving, formulating and implementing and monitoring the programmes, Programme Advisory Committees (PACs) have been set up. The High level Research Committees/ Councils are scheme specific, area intensive and are steered by eminent scientists, technologists drawn from various universities/national laboratories and industry.

11.3 Nano Science & Technology Initiative (NSTI)

Support priority areas of research in Nano Science & Technology
Strengthen characterization / and infrastructural facilities at national level
Generate trained Manpower in the area
To have interface between educational institutions and industry for application

Who can submit a proposal
Entities/Organizations/Institutions eligible for receiving grants are:
Scientists and Technologists who are working in the academic sector, National labs and other recognized R&D institutions
Recognized R&D Laboratories, Universities/Colleges and Educational Institutions. Research proposals from scientific institutions/research laboratories under various scientific departments, which are in line with the normal research activities of the institutions, may not be considered for support under SERC. However, major National R&D Programmes. Programmes in newly emerging and front-line areas of research etc. will be considered. Further, proposals involving purely survey-oriented work and routine studies will not be normally considered.
S&T based organizations with legal status as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 or as trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable Religious Act 1920 or the corresponding State Act.

When and how to submit a proposal
The project proposals can be submitted any time right through the year. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website: . Special initiatives with specific cut off dates under various programmes under the SERC scheme are advertised in journals like Current Science, University News etc.

Areas of research support
Research areas in Nano Science & Technology

Components Of grant
Depending on the area of research, competence of the researcher, infrastructural facilities available with the host institute etc. the components of grant varies with the programme. In general NSTI projects have components like Manpower, Minor & Major Equipments, Consumables, Travel (Domestic) and Contingency. In addition, the host institute is provided with Overhead Charges which are meant for providing infrastructural facilities and benefits to the staff employed in the project etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Non-sanctioned items

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The implementation and monitoring of programmes are executed by DST with the assistance of a National Expert Committee on NSTI.

11.4 Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA)

i) Creation of core groups/units around an outstanding scientist;
ii) Setting up of national facilities in areas of high priority; and
iii) Evolving nationally coordinated programmes in multi-disciplinary areas of high priority.

Who can submit a proposal
Entities'/Organizations/Institutions eligible for receiving grants are:
i) Scientists and Technologists who are working in the academic sector, National labs and other recognized R&D institutions.
ii) Recognized R&D Laboratories, Universities/Colleges and Educational Institutions. Research proposals from scientific institutions/research laboratories under various scientific departments, which are in line with the normal research activities of the institutions, may not be considered for support under SERC. However, major National R&D Programmes in newly emerging and frontline areas of research etc. will be considered. Further, proposals involving purely survey-oriented work and routine studies will not be normally considered.
iii) S&T based organizations with legal status as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 or as trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable Religious Act 1920 or the corresponding State Act.

When and how to submit a proposal
The project proposals can be submitted any time right through the year. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website: www.serc-dstorg.

Areas of research support
IRHPA support extends to all areas of high priority in Science & Engineering such as Materials Science, Surface Science, Plasma Physics, Solid State Chemistry, Macromolecular Crystallography, Ultrafast processes, Biomedical Engineering, Robotics, Low temperature high magnetic field phenomena, Neurobiology etc.

Components of grant
Depending on the area of research, competence of the researcher, infrastructural facilities available with the host institute etc. the components of grant varies with the programme. In general IRHPA projects have components like Manpower, Minor & Major Equipments, Consumables, Travel (Domestic) and Contingency. In addition, the host institute is provided with Overhead Charges which are meant for providing infrastructural facilities and benefits to the staff employed in the project etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Non-sanctioned items

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The mandate of promotion research and development in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and technology is executed through innovative High Level peer review mechanisms like Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC). In order to assist the SERC in evolving, formulating and implementing and monitoring the programmes, Expert Committees have been set up. The High level Research Committees/ Councils are scheme specific, area intensive and are steered by eminent scientists, technologists drawn from various universities/national laboratories and industry.

II.5 Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST)

The scheme aims at providing basic infrastructure and enabling facilities and environment for promoting R&D in new and emerging areas and attracting fresh talent.

Who can submit a proposal
All Science & Engineering Departments/ Centres having post-graduate programs which have existed for at least 5 years in universities and other higher educational institutions are eligible.

When and how to submit a proposal
Applications for inviting proposals from eligible Departments in the universities and other higher educational institutions are advertised with specific cut-off date. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website.

Areas of research support
The facilities provided under the Program are intended to support the efforts of the Department as a whole or a number of faculty members in the Department. Components of grant
The Scheme will provide optimal infrastructure facilities such as, adequate laboratory space & cold rooms (no fresh constructions), modernization of laboratories, acquisition of essential equipment & up-gradation of existing facilities, databases, scientific books etc.

(A) Level - I: Proposals from relatively small but active departments requiring moderate funding for improving quality of teaching & research through modernization of laboratories, for augmenting library and networking & computational facilities.
(B) Level - II: Proposals from well established departments requiring substantial funding for acquiring state-of-the-art equipment and setting up laboratories for conducting internationally competitive research including networking & computational facilities.

Items not allowed out of grant
Non-sanctioned items

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The selection will be through a peer review mechanism and visit to the laboratories, if necessary. An Advisory Board of Experts is constituted to assist the DS for implementation and monitoring.

II.6 Opportunities for Young Scientists (FAST TRACK Scheme)

The objectives of SERC scheme are promotion of frontline research in Science & Engineering specifically:

i) to provide Opportunities to Young Scientists (below 35 years) for pursuing exciting and
innovative research ideas.
ii) to provide opportunities for interaction and exchange of ideas with the scientific community both at national and international level.
iii) to involve Young Scientists in national S&T development process.
iv) to encourage S&T institutions, professional bodies and other agencies including State S&T Councils to develop S&T programmes involving Young Scientists.

Who can submit a proposal
i) Candidates should possess Masters degree in Engineering/Technology or M.D. in Medicine with some research experience or a Ph.D. in Basic Science/Engineering including other sciences such as Veterinary Sciences or Pharmacy and Agricultural Sciences or equivalent.
ii) The scheme is open to young scientists who are below 35 years at the time of the submission of application. Age relaxation of 5 years would be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC, Women and Physically Handicapped Category. Necessary attested copies of supporting documents to this effect have to be enclosed.

When and how to submit a proposal
The project proposals can be submitted any time right through the year. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website:

Areas of research support
Scheme support extends to all areas of Science & Engineering such as Chemical Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences and interdisciplinary areas including Nano Science & Technology etc.

Components of grant
The funding under this scheme is up to a maximum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs (including fellowship but excluding "Overhead Charges") for a period not exceeding three years. If the proposed objectives can be achieved before three years, budget may be proposed accordingly.
i) The funding includes Recurring costs (Fellowship wherever applicable, consumables, travel, and contingency) and minor equipment costing less than Rs.5.00 lakhs.
ii) The applicant, if not holding a regular position or not drawing any other fellowship/stipend can draw a fellowship of Rs.I5,000/- per month (all inclusive). The fellowship is taxable.
iii) "Overhead Charges" @ 20% of the project cost are provided to the Host Institute.

Items not allowed out of grant
Under the scheme there is no provision for providing support to any category of research staff. The Young Scientist is supposed to work during the entire duration of the project.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The selection will be through a peer review mechanism. Specific Expert Committees are constituted to assist the DST for implementation and monitoring.

II.7 Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities (SAIF)

Sophisticated analytical instruments are vital for pursuing research in many areas of modern science and technology. Many institutions in the country do not have such instruments. These instruments are expensive and cannot be provided through individual project mechanism. Moreover, these instruments are of inter/multidisciplinary utility and thus it is desirable to use them on sharing basis for their optimum utilization. Considering these aspects, the Department of Science & Technology (DST) has set up Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities Programme to provide the facilities of sophisticated analytical instruments to the research workers in general and specially from the institutions which do not have access to such instruments to enable them to pursue R&D activities requiring such facilities and keep pace with developments tasking place globally. At present thirteen SAIFs are being supported by DST at IIT, Chennai; IIT, Mumbai; Bose Institute, Kolkata; CDRI, Lucknow; Panjab University, Chandigarh; NEHU, Shillong; Nagpur University, Nagpur; IISc., Bangalore; AIIMS, New Delhi; Gauhati University, Guwahati; IIT, Roorkee, C.V.M., Vallabh Vidyanagar and STIC, Kochi. Details about these Facilities are given at Annexure IV.

The objectives of the SAIFs are:

to carry out analysis of samples received from the scientists/institutes;
to provide facilities of sophisticated analytical instruments to scientists and other users
from academic institutes, R&D laboratories and industries to enable them to carry out
measurements for R&D work;
to acquire and develop capability for preventive maintenance and repair of sophisticated
to organize short term courses/workshops on the use and application of various instruments and analytical techniques;
to train technicians for maintenance and operation of sophisticated instruments; and
to undertake design and development of instruments/accessories of existing instruments.
Analytical Instruments/Facilities available at the SAIFs

The SAIFs are equipped with sophisticated analytical instruments in the areas of Optical spectroscopy, NMR and EPR spectroscopy, X-ray based analysis, Electron microscopy, Mass spectrometry, Chromatography, Organic elemental analysis, Thermal analysis etc. to meet the needs of users in various areas of science & technology. A wide range of analytical methods/techniques for chemical/material analysis/testing/characterization including qualitative and quantitative elemental, molecular/compound analysis, structure determination, surface topographic, studies, study of physical, optical and electrical properties of materials etc. are available to the users at these Facilities for helping them in their research work.
Services Provided/Other Activities undertaken by the SAIFs

(i) Analytical Services: The SAIFs offer the following analytical services:
Sample analysis: The SAIFs carry out analysis of samples received from scientists/
institutions and provide spectra/results of analysis on routine basis.
Facilities and assistance for sample preparation are provided to the users, if needed.
Testing of quality of raw material and end products is done for industry/users.

Some of the SAIFs provide complete range of analytical services including interpretation of results etc. The present emphasis is to provide total quality of analysis to the users. Efforts are being made by the SAIFs to get themselves accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL) to achieve this goal.

(ii) Short term Courses/Training Programmes: The SAIFs organize the following types of
short term courses/training programmes/workshops:
On use and applications of various instruments and analytical techniques for research
students, teachers and personnel from academic institutions, R&D labs and industries
On repair/maintenance and operation of sophisticated instruments for technicians. Such
training programmes are also organized by some of the SAIFs on specific requests.

(iii) Development of new measurement/analytical techniques: Apart from providing routine analytical techniques/methods of analysis available on the instruments, efforts are made by the SAIFs to develop new techniques/methods of analysis to put the instruments to their full use and offer them to the scientists for exploring new dimensions in research in various areas of science and technology.

(iv) Consultancy on Analytical Problems: The SAIFs offer consultancy on solution to analytical problems including development of analytical methods for specific needs, sampling problems, spectrum analysis and interpretation of results etc. as well as on R&D problems/issues.

(v) Repair and Maintenance of sophisticated instruments: Some of the SAIFs have over the years developed expertise to repair and maintain sophisticated instruments available with them and on specific request undertake servicing of such instruments at other institutions.
(vi) R&D Activities: The faculty members associated with the SAIFs undertake R&D work in various areas of science & technology and guide the research students.


The instrument facilities provided by the SAIFs are being utilized by about 8,000 users from academic institutions, R&D laboratories and industries from all over the country every year and are one of the major sources of sophisticated analytical instruments for research workers from many of the institutions who do not have access to such facilities at their institutes. The users from almost all the universities in the country are using the facilities at the SAIFs. The users also include about 800 industries including MNCs, large and small industries in the areas of chemicals, agro-chemicals, petro-chemicals, drugs and Pharmaceuticals, food processing, soaps and detergents, cement, metallurgy, electronics etc.


The facilities provided by the SAIFs may be utilized by any user/organization on payment of nominal charges. The details about the procedure for using the facilities and the charges for sample analysis, information about short term courses/training programmes/workshops etc. can be obtained from the respective Heads of the SAIFs or the websites of the Facilities (Annexure IV).

II.8 Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Vuiana (KVPY)

The Kishore Vaigyanik Prothsahan Yojana (KVPY) targets the young science students at the school and college level. The aim of KVPY is to select students with research bent of mind and motivate them through suitable scholarships and other incentives to pursue a research career in sciences, engineering and medical sciences. The entry points for the scheme are: after Class X, after Class XII and in B.Sc.I for "Science Stream"; in I and II year of B.E. and M.B.B.S. for "Engineering Stream" and "Medicine Stream" respectively.

Who can submit a proposal

Basic Sciences

Stream SA: Students enrolled in XI Standard (Science Subjects) and having secured a minimum of 75% marks aggregate in Science and Mathematics in X Standard Board Examination.
Stream SB: Students enrolled in 1st Year Science under-graduate programme (B.Sc./integrated M.Sc. in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics/Statistics or Biological Sciences, B.Math./B.Stat) and having secured a minimum of 60% marks in Mathematics and Science subjects in XII Standard Board Examination.
Stream SP: (a NEW entry point - 2004) Students pursuing science and enrolled in XI, XII or B.Sc. (I or II year) can apply for KVPY by completing a research project.
Stream EA; Students enrolled in I year B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. and having secured a minimum of 60% marks in Mathematics and Science subjects in XII Standard Board Examination.
Stream EB: Students enrolled in second year B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. and having a I Class in the first year exam of B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.


Stream MA: Students enrolled in second year M.B.B.S. and having secured a minimum 75% marks in Science subjects in XII Standard Board Examination.

When and bow to submit a proposal
The scheme is announced in national newspapers. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore is coordinating the programme on behalf of DST.

Areas of research support
It's a student's fellowship.

Components of grant
The scheme would provide scholarships and contingency grants to selected students and also monetary support for the following activities for them as part of this programme:
summer training with reputed scientists
summer training in R&D laboratories/industries/NGOs
project work in summer on problems of local relevance
summer training on experimental methods in identified institutions
orientation visits to R&D laboratories/industries/NGOs
participation in seminars/symposia etc.
purchase of books, periodicals in science and technology

Items not allowed out of grant
Non-sanctioned items

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The Department of Science and Technology has entrusted the overall responsibility for organising the scheme to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and set up a National Advisory Committee (NAC) for overseeing its implementation. IISc, which administers the programme through the Society for Innovation and Development has provided necessary infrastructural support. A Core Committee headed by the convener has been set up by IISc to monitor various aspects, both administrative and academic, of the KVPY Programme.

II.9 Assistance for participation in International Conferences

The objective of the scheme is to provide partial travel assistance to the Indian Scientists working in educational/academic institutions and National R&D laboratories enabling them to participate in the International Conferences/Workshops etc. This provides an opportunity to the Indian scientists to interact with their foreign counterparts which enable them to present their findings and results at an International level for a better peer reviewing.

Who can submit a proposal
Indian Scientists working in Educational/ Academic Institutions and Research Laboratories are eligible for travel support to participate in conferences etc. on selective basis.

The applicant has an accepted paper for presentation or an invitation to chair a session or as a Keynote speaker. Young Scientists (below 35 years of age) are eligible to apply for attending training programmes/ Short term courses/ schools. The applicant has NOT availed of financial assistance from DST in the last three years.

When and how to submit a proposal
The application can be submitted any time right through the year. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website: .

Areas of research support
Science and Technology

Components of grant
Only 50% of International air fare will be given by the Department.

Items not allowed out of grant
The scheme does not provide assistance towards maintenance, registration fee, airport tax, taxi fare and other cost.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The screening and monitoring is done through an internal screening committee of the department.

11.10 Women Scientists Scheme (WOS)

The "Women Scientists Scheme" of the Department of Science & Technology has been instituted to provide opportunities to women scientists who desire to work as bench-level scientists or get engaged in S&T based self-employment. This scheme is to help them re-enter into mainstream science and provide a launch pad for them for further forays into the field of Science and Technology.

i) the main objective of the scheme is to provide support to women scientists to pursue science in all its aspects and encourage them to continue in the scientific profession and also to contribute towards application of science and technology to societal development.
ii) under this scheme, three categories of the scholarships are being provided ? (a) to pursue research in frontier areas of Science and Engineering (b) to pursue research on societal problems requiring S&T intervention and (c) for undergoing S&T-based internship leading to self-employment. The three categories are known as WOS-A, WOS-B & WOS-C respectively.

Who can submit a proposal
Persons already in employment need not apply.

Women scientists, with a minimum of Post Graduate degree, equivalent to M.Sc in
Basic or Applied Sciences, B.Tech in Engineering Sciences and MBBS or other
equivalent professional qualifications, are eligible for this scheme. Maximum age limit for
this category is 35 years at the time of submission of the application.

Women scientists having a Ph.D in Basic or Applied Sciences, M.Tech. in Engineering
Sciences and MD/MS, DM/MCH in Medical Sciences from recognized Universities can
apply up to the age of 50 years.

Age relaxation of 5 years would be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and
physically challenged category. Attested copies of supporting documents in this regard
must be enclosed.

When and how to submit a proposal
The Scheme is widely announced in national and regional newspapers and also through brochures and websites. Applications are advertised with specific cut-off date. The proposal has to be documented as per the format available in the SERC website: .

Areas of research support
The scholarships have been instituted in the following subject areas: (1) Physical Sciences; (2) Chemical Sciences; (3) Mathematical Sciences; (4) Life sciences; (5) Earth Sciences; (6) Atmospheric Sciences; (7) Engineering Sciences. A project proposal should be submitted in active collaboration with an academic/R&D institution in the chosen subject area.

Components of grant
The selected candidates have been given projects costing up to Rs. 15 lakhs for 3 years which includes their scholarship amount. M.Sc. or equivalent candidates have been awarded scholarship of Rs. 10,000/- p.m. and Ph.D. or equivalent candidates have been awarded a scholarship of Rs. 15,000/- p.m. The projects also included grant for travel, contingencies, consumables and minor equipment.

Items not allowed out of grant
Non-sanctioned items

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The selection will be through a peer review mechanism. For WOS-A and WOS-B, the applications were screened by high-level Subject Expert Committees. The screened candidates were subsequently interviewed for final selection. Under WOS-C, a written examination was conducted for selection.

Contact Address:Head SERC Division
Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016; Tel.No: (011)26534998; Telefax; (011)26963695
E-mail: Website:
12. Science and Society Programes (SSP)

Science and Technology play a vital role in the development strategy of various sections of the society. Schemes described in this publication have been formulated with the broad objective of providing opportunities to motivated scientists, engineers and field level activists to take up time-bound research-oriented projects with inputs of science and technology for the benefit of disadvantaged sections of society. Programmes are implemented through S&T institutions, university departments and S&T based voluntary organisations. The components of the scheme are:

1. Science and Technology Application for Rural Development (STARD)
2. Science and Technology for Women (S&T for Women)
3. Science and Technology Application for Weaker Section (STAWS)
4. Scheme for Young Scientists and Professionals (SYSP)
5. Tribal Sub Plan (TSP)
6. Special Component Plan (SCP)

12.1.1 Science and Technology Application for Rural Development (STARD)

STARD aims at facilitating development of promising science based voluntary organizations and innovative technologies, which are related to rural development. The objectives of this scheme are:

i) to strengthen the existing institutions, field groups, etc., involved in research, development, design, adaptation and application of innovative S&T solutions for rural development by providing long-term support for core personnel.
ii) to catalyze research, development and adaptation of technology by supporting time-bound development efforts with well defined milestones.
iii) to motivate scientists and technologists for applying their expertise to finding solutions for problems in the rural areas, and
iv) to take up all such activities which are conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

Who can submit a proposal

Recognized R&D laboratories, universities and educational institutions.

S&T based voluntary organizations, which are working in the rural areas with legal status or as a society registered under the Societies registration Act 1860 or a trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable or Religious Act 1920 or under the corresponding State Act.

The organization should have been in existence for a minimum of three years and not be blacklisted by any Central or State Government Department.

The organization should have experience in handling projects having focus on S&T.

When and how to submit a proposal
Proposal can be submitted in prescribed format any time of the year, which can be downloaded from the website.

Areas of research support
Water Management: Exploration, harvesting and purification of water in rural areas.
Land, water and cover management through scientific and technological inputs for
value-addition and income generation.
Construction: Use of local resources, upgrading local skills and techniques for
constructing affordable houses conforming to a minimum acceptable comfort level
inclusive of improved domestic drainage and waste disposal.'
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture; Effective use of inputs, integrated
farming system, post-harvest technology including low-cost storage, preservation and
Engineering Services: Design, development and upgradation of farm and non farm tools
and machinery, cost effective energy appliances for value addition & income generation.
Rural industries: R&D projects in the area of rural process industries.
Establishment of Rural Technology Parks as technology resource centres for technology
back up/support system in both farm and non-farm sector, and
Innovative project proposal related to above-mentioned areas for Technological
Interventions in Mountain and hilly Eco-systems (TIME).

Components of grant
Manpower, consumables, travel, contingencies, equipments, overheads etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Vehicles, buildings, any other major infrastructure, international travel.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The scheme is operated under the guidance of an Expert Committee. Proposals in the prescribed proforma are evaluated by peer review mechanisms as well as spot visits by experts. Progress is monitored through presentation at workshops organized periodically and also by field visits.

Contact address: The Head
Science & Society Division Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan New Delhi-110016 Tel. No: (011)26590383

II.2 Science and Technology for Women (S&T for Women)

This scheme is focused on women as specific target group and the objectives are:
i) to promote research, development and adaptation of technology, improve the quality of life, working conditions and provide newer opportunities for gainful employment of women especially in rural areas.
ii) to increase the contribution of women to science, technology and development.

Who can submit a proposal
i) Recognized R&D laboratories, universities and educational institutions.
ii) S&T based voluntary organizations, which are working in the rural areas with legal status or as a society registered under the Societies registration Act 1860 or a trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable or Religious Act 1920 or under the corresponding State Act.
iii) The organization should have been in existence for a minimum of three years and not be blacklisted by any Central or State Government Department.
iv) The organization should have experience in handling projects having focus on S&T.

When and how to submit a proposal
Proposal can be submitted in the prescribed format any time of the year which can be downloaded from the website.

Areas of research support
i) Specific science and technology application programmes to solve the problems of women in different regions such as hill, coastal and arid.
ii) Research and development on post-harvest technology and agricultural implements used by women to improve productivity and reduce drudgery.
iii) Utilization of agricultural and animal residues through technologies, which provide opportunities for income generation.
iv) Improved practices for higher income in new technological areas.
v) Sustainable utilization & value addition to natural resources.
vI) Research, development and demonstration programmes on key issues pertaining to women's health and nutrition.
vii) Design, fabrication and improvement of tools implements, equipment and instruments used by women in different occupations in formal and non-formal sectors.
viii) Up gradation of traditional skills for utilization of available resources and providing means for women to enter into the organized sector or for starting entrepreneurial production or service units.
ix) Selective studies on issues concerning women scientists and engineers,
x) Providing opportunities to Women scientists after a break in career.

Components of grant
Manpower, consumables, travel, contingencies, equipments, overheads etc.

Items not allowed out of grant
Vehicles, buildings, any other major infrastructure, international travel.

Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The scheme is operated under the guidance of an Expert Committee. Proposals in the prescribed proforma are evaluated by peer review mechanisms as well as spot visits by experts. Progress is monitored through presentation at workshops organized periodically and also by field visits.

Other gender related schemes of Science and Society Division

(A) Fellowship Scheme for Women Scientists-S&T Based Societal Programmes (Category 'B') (WOS-B)
This fellowship provides an opportunity for women scientists to re-enter into active research after a career break. The scholarship is available for carrying out innovative R&D having societal impact.

(B) National Award for Women's Development through Application of Science and Technology:
This award has been instituted to recognize the contributions of individuals/institutions who have worked at the grass root level for women's development through application of science and technology. Applications are invited once a year. For details and announcements, visit DST's website:

Contact address: The Head
Science & Society Division Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-II0016 Tel. No: (011)26590383

11.3 Science and Technology Application for Weaker Sections (STAWS)

This scheme is aimed at the development of the weaker sections of the society in rural and urban areas. It focuses attention on specific S&T inputs for improvement of rural artisans, landless labourers and other weaker sections. Emphasis is placed on multi-sectoral approach incorporating original ideas based on locally available resources and incorporating the direc